Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A thought from a walk.

Just in walking around town, I regularly encounter architects, builders, growers, craftspeople, brewers, urban planners, retailers, artists, engineers, vintners, project managers, bankers, designers, and any number of others who are here now, engaged with the community, and ready to work. If anyone tried to tell me that, given the chance, those folks collectively couldn't come up with something better than what Carl Malysz negotiated behind closed doors, then I would tell them that they have a radically different view of this city and its capabilities than I do.


  1. The common council and redevelopment commission will decide RiverView’s fate, not Carl. They have ample opportunity to ask all the questions they want, as do you. They can say "no" if they don't get good answers.

  2. Another question, most likely will go unanswered, but we know Carl & Co. are reading.

    Do any of the principles involved in River View have any experience pulling off this big of a real estate development?

    Jack Bobo lists himself on Linkdin as a consultant to the state dept in DC. I know the architect has done nothing of this scale. Carl and the Mayor - can you show one "redevelopment" project you have successfully pulled off in the last 5 years?

    This is why there is no financing. No lender will take a risk on a development group with no experience to the tune of $50 million.

    Why should we the taxpayers?

  3. Gina,

    First, the project will have a lot of private financing. It just won’t all be privately financed. That’s why it’s a public-private partnership.

    Second, I don’t think it’s ever been the plan the Mose be the sole architect. In fact, I know Bobo and Mose have spoken with one of the largest architectural firms in the region. Although I have no inside scoop, I presume Mose and the larger firm will partner on construction management, etc.

  4. Dan, why are you the only person advocating for this project? Yet you claim you are not in anyway involved with it.

    I want the city to answer questions. And not like someone else commented, one-on-one, but in a critical public forum. No, I have not been able to attend your sales pitches in perosn, I am in and out of the hospital these days, sort of critically ill. I have access to the internet for news and that's about it.

    It's 2011, the Mayor and Carl know that we all use the internet now. Speak. Talk. Explain. Roger has offered to post those discussions here.

    Who is Jack Bobo and why does he have the experience to be a real estate developer?
