Friday, May 06, 2011

Nash, the Publican, national bike month and beer wagons.

In the aftermath of my best ever biking year in 2010, I must confess to an exceedingly slow start in 2011. Excuses are many and varied, and none of them matter one jot, because like everything else, it comes down to self-discipline or the lack thereof. As of today, I'm back in the saddle whenever possible.

Matt Nash's column today (linked below) lays out a simple, sustainable plan for biking to work and back, one that I've utilized to greater and lesser extent since about 1999. As with other such plans -- for instance, buying local -- it mustn't be about 100% achievement or nothing at all. Part-time is better than no time at all.

For me, the goal this year is to acquire a wagon/trailer for use with my bicycle, and to use it to deliver beer; if not a ful keg, at least 1/6 barrels. Then, with a bicycle built to deliver beer, I can begin reversing the situation described in this excerpt from the New York Times in 1896:

Here is Matt's piece.

NASH: Celebrating national bike month, by Matt Nash (News and Tribune)

About this time In 2008, when gas prices were nearing historic levels, I decided to make a few changes in my life. It was spring and the weather was starting to get nice, so I decided that I would try to ride a bicycle to work a few days a week to save a little money.

1 comment:

  1. The Fellowship of the Wheel welcomes you back to the streets. Let me know which day(s) you might be up for a spin (like we did after marketing meetings on Wednesdays s few years back).

    Also, Jackie Greene has a neat trailer he uses to move inventory between his various bike shops. Between him and those Dutch cargo bikes, you should be able to work out a business-friendly rig.
