Monday, May 23, 2011

Betting it all on apocalyptic humbuggery, with predictable results.

It is fitting and proper for skeptics like me to squeeze every last bit of derision and mockery from such a grandiose manifestation of self-delusion, but this instance is on the cynic’s radar screen only because Harold Camping had $100 million to misspend toward the advocacy of sheer hokum.

Every single day, all across the planet, primitive superstition erodes human reason precisely in this way, without billboards and radio programs to assist in perpetuating the idiocy. As a Twitter wag suggested on Saturday, Camping’s first comment should have been something like this: “Oops, looks like a misread that word; this is the day of the rupture, not the rapture.”

So, how many people did this loony tunes cleric manage to truss?

World doesn't end: California prophet had no Plan B (Observer/Guardian)

Harold Camping spent millions of dollars telling the nations it was the end of days; now his followers may need counselling ...

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