Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Like me, please: Campaign page at Facebook is up.

The Facebook "fan" page is up: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roger-Baylor-for-NA-City-Council-At-Large/112117005535055?sk=wall&filter=1.

When permitted to do so, I'll attach a shorter URL. Meanwhile, if you are inclined to support progress in New Albany, knidly reward my candidacy with a "like" at the candidate site above. I will try to be as active as possible there, but given the sum of my sites ... we'll see how it goes. Here is the roster:

The campaign web site at http://www.rogerbaylor.com/ will be more static in nature, with the bare bones, but not as participatory in a social media sense.

Longer form essays and blogging will continue here at NAC: http://www.cityofnewalbany.blogspot.com/

And then, there's my personal Facebook site for rabble rousing and amusement: http://www.facebook.com/roger.a.baylor


  1. Like me please. I like you Roger, but you're beginning to sound like Sally Field. :-)

  2. Will you be making a no deletion pledge?

  3. John, you just may be showing your (our) age with a Sally Field analogy.

    Iah: Yep. If they're overtly obscene, maybe. I even invited the Cleres to become fans.
