Thursday, March 03, 2011

The gall of Rep. Espich purloining my campaign platform.

Perhaps Espich can orchestrate a GOP walk-out over the party's hurt feelings. Unless our local transpartied Stemler joins them, he could then be the only person left in the House.

Ways and Means Committee chairman Jeff Espich of Uniondale disputes the descriptions that Republicans are advancing an agenda that is anti-family, anti-middle class and anti-public education.

1 comment:

  1. You know what "hurts" Mr GOP, not being able to buy medicine you need to stay alive; not having any hope of gainful employment while you're children are further devolving from the middle-class in failing schools; seeing our common good, like the environment destroyed for corporate profit; seeing the few get richer while the many suffer lives of desperation!

    That's what hurts my feelings...
