Friday, February 11, 2011

Who's running in the primary?

Not just yet, but in the meantime here's the link to learn who has filed to run in the May primary:

If you are a member of The Price Is Wrong underground, here's your secret coded signal for today: "Tenant rights stop at the point of my big dog's nose." Be sure and run it through the Random Primary Candidate Generator before buying the Sharpies, or King Larry's pharmaceutically mandated tumescence might upset the apple cart.

That is all.


  1. Is no one going to run against Price for the 3rd District?

  2. Yes, someone is. I guarantee it.

  3. I have a feeling this is going to be very entertaining, if nothing else. If we're lucky, maybe some in this town will for the first time learn what some of the issues are...or at least should be.

  4. We're told that Carl Malysz officially has joined the Democratic mayoral race. Now it's a 4-way ... but is the all but invisible Irv Stumler still in it?

  5. Can we blame Deron Williams for this as well?

    I'm happy for Egypt right now.

  6. Maybe the GOP can recruit Mubarak. Or Williams. Or Stumler.

    So far, I'm still penciling in Steve Rigot. A lot of free media mileage to be had out of the re-release and upcoming Austin reunion show.

  7. Who, is running against Mr. Price?

  8. Expect an announcement by Tuesday. I'm also told there'll be a Republican candidate in the 3rd by the deadline.

  9. Are you using the back door to get around any primary splits?

  10. Huh? All I know is that there'll be a candidate in the next couple of days. There may be dozens of others as far as I know.

  11. Hey, here is another paper's perspective on Clere's Park's Bill.
    I don't know if you care to read it?
