Saturday, February 05, 2011

Tommy Lancaster's is no more.

With the sort of reverence that accompanies memories of sitting at the bar with my grandfather, I relay that two different sources have reported the demise of Tommy Lancaster Restaurant on Market Street in New Albany-- Tommy's, to locals. Apparently, tonight was the last night of a more than 50 year history.

It would've been nice to know beforehand.

Instead of the usual eulogy, questions, and analysis, I'll simply point to the oral history work done by Amy Evans of the Southern Foodways Alliance and the words of Larry Morris, a bartender at Tommy's from 1960 to 2003 plus some. The photo was taken by Amy as well.

And now my family will have to find somewhere else to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. Thanks to the Lancaster family & all the great employees over the years that made the place so special.

  2. Truly the end of an era...memories of old family dinners, wow.
