Friday, February 18, 2011

File under: You can't make this stuff up.

So, the Tribune tried to make an issue of City Attorney Shane Gibson saying he doesn't subscribe to or read the Tribune...

with Tribune
Publisher Steve Kozarovich even taking a shot at Gibson on Twitter...

but had Gibson relied on the Tribune to inform him of yesterday's parks bill hearing...


  1. It's too bad that someone on the editorial board did not seek to answer a simple question: What makes the parks department more important than public safety when it comes to special legislation?

    I support both. But my point is, this question has been ignored in the newspaper's support for the district.

    Not to mention: Is there some other way to deal with Ted Heavrin beeyond a literal act of Congress? Isn't that what elections are for?

  2. Remember, we are those damned "pergressives" who love the outdoors--parks included. Trying to make it seem that those against this bill are anti park is ridiculous. Talk about bassackwards.

    The people that state that they want to bring government closer to the people are the ones pushing for the state to mandate this, instead of just enabling the local governments to do it if they wish. Huh?

    The legislative committee votes this down the first time because no local officials showed up. On the second try in committee, local officials show to speak against the proposal. Only one is allowed to speak and the committee passes the bill. Huh?

    "We" are not supposed to ask questions on a Representative's FB page but this same representative thinks local officials should get notification on legislative action from his newspaper column. Huh?

  3. I think the point he's trying to make is that the committee date was listed as Wednesday instead of Thursday, which was originally the scheduled time. The committee schedule is usually listed at If the issue is really that important, I don't think it's too much to ask to make a phone call to confirm a committee time. Do you?

  4. That should be Daniel S...pesky google accounts

  5. I agree Roger, when did Parks become an issue? Honesty, when I first read about this bill for a Special Parks District, I thought, jeez, I didn't even know we had Parks here, much less they are so important we need our legislator wasting resources to protect them.

    What do people define a park as here?
