Saturday, January 15, 2011

Messer redeals.

Jack Messer's campaign slogan was conjectured long before reading that his plans have changed. By offering, “That’s not what I meant,” it turns out that I wasn't far off.

Messer not retiring from New Albany Police Department; Councilman won’t seek re-election; says city should choose leaders more wisely, by Daniel Suddeath (Tribune)

New Albany City Councilman Jack Messer said Friday he will not seek a third term this year or run for another public office.

Messer also confirmed he will not retire from the New Albany Police Department May 31 as was his original intent.

Posterity can sort through the evidence, although I'll continue to maintain that Messer's overall council record is a good one.

More significantly, for eight years Messer has been just about the only council member willing to stand up to Dan Coffey's incessant bullying, and to call out Cappuccino's frequent self-aggrandizing lies. The best solution, in keeping with Messer's parting words, is for the 1st district to choose its leader more wisely. If not, an assertive replacement for Messer will be necessary.

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