Friday, January 07, 2011

At that weird bridges project revival/camp meeting/pep rally yesterday ...

... a very good question was asked by a Bridges Authority member who doesn't want me using his name (he was on teevee last night, too), and here's the strange answer, as diligently provided by Curt's Louisville Courant.


  1. That was a very good question by Mr. Finn. (I'm under no such "obligation")

    Was there a follow up question? Such as, "Where is the savings? Paint doesn't cost that much"

  2. Ok, I have to ask WTF.

    I like the idea of not having tolls on existing bridges, but unsure of how the savings was made from cutting the use of the lanes but still building them.

    I give estimates every day and I have never said I would charge less for the same work but just not let you use the part you did not pay for.

  3. VM, it was hard to fathom.

  4. How do I invest in the company that manufactures the half-billion dollar striping paint?
