Friday, December 10, 2010

Pots and kettles throughout Kentuckiana quiver as Kerry Stemler sneers: "Uninspired, uneducated, non-committed people."

Nice cameos, Curt; NAC appreciates it. Louisville Courant has the whole story here: "...uninspired, uneducated, non-committed people"- Kerry Stemler.
At Thursday morning's Tolling Authority meeting, the finance committee delivered to all the Authority members the draft of the proposed financing plan, that I guess they aren't planning on revealing to us until the December 13 public meeting, just 3 days before they vote on it.

Of course the most annoying question asked to the Authority members was a result of a press release sent out earlier Thursday morning:
Say NO to Bridge Tolls calls for Tolling Authority to comply w/ Beshear's ethics order before December 16th vote approving tolls.


  1. Dethrone the dilettante.

  2. Let them eat cake!

  3. Thanks for the kudos. My butt might be in Louisville, but I don't forget my roots. These tolls are a tax on working Hoosiers that don't have the luxury of choosing not to cross the bridges.

    I can't make Monday's meeting cause I'm working, but I hope to hear on the news that 10,000 Hoosiers stood up for themselves, and showed up with pitchforks and torches.
