Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nice work, Paul Fetter: "Bridges plan raises more questions."

Dispassionately, and with admirable restraint, Paul Fetter tells it like it is.

Earlier today, I wrote to Ed Clere, whose weekly Tribune column today discusses "fiscal challenges" for Hoosiers, ending with this statement: "The next two years will be difficult, but if we avoid tax increases and spend what we have wisely, Indiana’s economic recovery will be strong and lasting."

Class, your assignment: How do tolls to facilitate an unnecessary $4 billion bridges project fit into our representative's assessment of the economy's prospects?

Or do they at all?

Bridges plan raises more questions, by Paul Fetter (News and Tribune)

... The authority’s tenure has been characterized by misdirection and misinformation. Its activity has been difficult to follow and understand.

What we do know is the authority’s message seems to change constantly. Even those that have followed this issue closely don’t know all the facts. It’s disappointing that the culmination of the authority’s work is an incomplete plan that raises more questions than answers.

While new bridges have been contemplated for the last 50 years, it seems silly to now be picking an arbitrary date to jam this square peg through a round hole. It’s time to take a deep breath, step back and figure out how we can address transportation needs — without imposing tolls that will only penalize our businesses, our communities and our families.

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