Friday, December 17, 2010

Nash gets socks -- again.

Matt, I mean seriously, would you please write your own articles -- c'mon, everyone at the Grow Room What the Hey blog who knows you, knows better. Congratulations Matt, you have made an impact, you're being attacked by the anonymous character assassins. Hoppy Holidaze and a job well done, old chap.

NASH: My Christmas wish list for 2010

... What this means is that we need some good, qualified candidates that are willing to work hard to make this community great. The pay is not very good, the hours seem tedious and it is a very thankless job. Those that are willing to put up with some of the shenanigans that go on in and around city hall. They must understand what their role is and give the mayor the proper tools to do his job. The council members should not try to micromanage but should be willing to work with the mayor and his administration to try to improve the way things are around here.

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