Friday, December 10, 2010

Lead story in this week's 1Si propaganda organ provides crucial format details of Monday's public Tolling Authority forum!

It's all there in 1Si's weekly "I swear we're paying attention to small business, except when Kerry's faux pas are too loud to ignore" newsletter, The Nose Grows Times. Keep reading for how No 2 Bridge Tolls suggests you respond (with truth?) to the latest round of the Tolling Authority's and 1Si's patented buffalo bagels.

Bridges Authority to hold public forum

On Monday, December 13, the bi-state Bridges Authority is holding a public forum to gather input on its effort in developing a finance plan for the Ohio River Bridges Project.

This has been billed as the big opportunity for public input into their work. The forum is being set up as more of an open house type meeting, where people will have plenty of opportunity to interact with Authority members, and provide input in a casual way. There is not a set presentation, so attendees have the option to stay for a few minutes or a few hours; whichever their schedule allows.

This is a great opportunity to receive accurate, up-to-date information on the current status and authentic plans of the project. This is also an invitation to talk about the need for the project to move forward, to improve mobility, enhance safety, and create thousands of jobs. You don't have to speak publicly. Instead stations will be set up around the room for you to interact with authority members and the public to share your input on the importance of moving the bridges project forward. If you or someone from your organization is able to attend, please see the details below.

Louisville and Southern Indiana Bridges Authority Public Input and Information Meeting

Date: December 13, 2010

Time: 4-7 p.m. (the forum is a come and go, open house format so you are not required to stay for the entire event)

Location: Muhammad Ali Center
View Pointe Hall, 6th floor
One Muhammad Ali Plaza
144 N. Sixth Street
Louisville, KY 40202

If you'd like to comment on the project, contact Michael Dalby at or by phone at 812.945.0266 ext 202.
Meanwhile, No 2 Bridge Tolls has its own request:

If you oppose tolls on existing bridges (Clark Memorial, Sherman Minton, and Kennedy) and Spaghetti Junction, send an email to Christi Lanier-Robinson with the Bridges Authority: and tell her you want the Bridges Authority to know how you feel and state your concerns. Monday, December 13th is the Public Input meeting. If you can't attend, please write! The meeting will be held at the Muhammad Ali Center from 4-7pm. The Muhammad Ali Center is located at 144 N. Sixth Street and the meeting will be held on the 6th floor in the View Pointe Hall.



  1. Roger,

    I know you love to bash 1SI, but what is so bad about the open form meeting? Wouldn't this provide you an opportunity to voice your opinion to those making the decisions? Or perhaps you just like to hear yourself complain.

  2. How many of the No2Tolls group are members of One Southern Indiana?

    How many of those memberships are up for renewal soon?

    How many in that group have read "What's the Matter With Kansas?"

  3. John Gonder said...
    How many of the No2Tolls group are members of One Southern Indiana?

    How many of those memberships are up for renewal soon?"


    As I'm sure Roger will tell you, I have inside information when it comes to 1SI. I know there are several of their members that don't want Tolls including 1SI.

    I know for a fact that renewals and new membership is doing very well. I also think most business are not single minded. They know the key to growth of there business is working with organizations like 1SI.

    The bottom line for 1SI is the good the bridges will bring, out way the bad if tolls are needed to build the bridges.

    My personal view is there should not be any tolling to existing bridges and they should build the EE first. To me if tolls are needed to build a new bridge that would be a usage fee. Tolls on existing bridges would be seen as a tax to me. I beleave my money is mine and I have the right to choose where to spend it not the Goverment.

    I read some of your blog. I find it funny that people like you think our money (We The People) belongs to the Goverment 1st and you see keeping the currant rates at the same level as loss revenue. You want to pick who can and can't keep what they work for.
