Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ironies (and straight lines) abound.

Only one day after St. Daniels artfully exposed his sensitive side in a conference call with Hoosier journalists, going so far as to acknowledge "concerns that have been brought up by the residents of Southern Indiana in relation to the bistate bridge project," our newly re-elected State Representative used his weekly Tribune slot to offer professional resolutions for the coming year: CLERE: Session will require resolve from all.

• I resolve to be more accessible. Over the last two years, I have worked hard to be accessible. Still, I know there are some folks who have had trouble connecting with me, and I resolve to find new ways to be even more accessible.

• I resolve to listen ... I want to hear from you. If you live in my district, you will soon receive a survey, which will also be available online, but if you have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to go ahead and get in touch.

• I resolve to do my homework and ask tough questions ...

• I resolve to get more folks from Southern Indiana to participate in the legislative process.

Now, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I might know of a place to start, and ... what's that? It was written by WHO?

But as Hungadunga is my witness, I thought Matt Nash wrote them!


  1. I continue to wonder why no one from the traditional media has asked Clere (and many others) "tough questions" about a great number of things.

  2. There is no "traditional media" in Louisville...

  3. Good point, G. A nomenclatural faux pas, on my part.

  4. But in case no one noticed, the FCC just allowed the permitting of micro broadcast licenses. I don't think they cost much. If anyone reading is looking for a "traditional media" outlet to start-up, community radio is really great.
