Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Coffey refuses to name names; pumpkin patch freezes solid; NA council completes another session.

It appears that the Gang of Pour was not represented at last night's council meeting, putting us into the same category of zombie-like irrelevance as every last one of Steve Price's long-suffering, utterly ignored constituents. Fortunately, the Tribune's Daniel Suddeath is well paid to endure the indignities. Here is his report:

New Albany City Council passes $1.7M to balance 2010 budget; Annexation passes while preservation commission abolishment turned away.

... Councilwoman Diane McCartin-Benedetti sponsored the measure, and said she did not support the administration’s original proposal because it did not include a repayment of the EDIT funds that would have been spent on public safety.

“I think EDIT — economic development [tax] — needs to be used for economic development,” she said.

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