Friday, November 12, 2010

Nash talks sense about bike lanes in New Albany.

Kudos, Matt.

NASH: Moving forward with bike lanes

... Bike lanes will add to the ability for everyone to remain safe but they only work if everyone is on the same page. Every one on the road must follow simple rules and proper etiquette no matter whether they are driving a Chevy or a Schwinn. Motor vehicles and bicycles each have certain rights and responsibilities. It is important that both groups follow the rules so that everyone gets to their destinations safely.


  1. Just trying to remain positive.

  2. I dig that you are for the bike lanes, for once can you leave you and the "Mc"sisters formula out of the equation - it is getting old. Perhaps something positive in all of this might help NA/SI and your beloved "cyclers". All we read is the negative from you and the gang of wanting to better the north side of the Ohio. So, take it and run with it and do something positive. Enough of the negative already. Be a true leader and make it happen for what we all are proud of, instead of constantly being negative. This community has had way too much of that for how long?

    Too harsh?

  3. The bike lanes on Charlestown Rd. are strange, they stop and start at short distances.

    I would love to see some lanes on Grant Line Rd. Maybe if students could bike to IUS traffic wouldn't be so bad on weekday nights near the university.

    What are the chances of seeing bike lanes on Main Street? Two way traffic with bike lanes would be great.
