Monday, November 15, 2010

Lloyd's wake will be held on Monday, November 29 in Prost at the Public House.

As most of you already know, NAC's longtime friend, blogging co-conspirator and community activist Lloyd Wimp died on Friday after a long struggle with cancer. All our thoughts continue to be with Lloyd's family.

Lloyd was very clear about his wishes, and there'll be no conventional funeral. Rather, he wanted a wake to be held at the Public House, and we’re trying as best we can to stage it the way he outlined. Lloyd was a remarkable man, and his wake should be a celebration of his life.

Following is the preliminary plan for the wake, Version 1.0, but first there's a wee bit of background.
“The Irish Wake (in Gaelic: Faire) is a traditional mourning custom practiced in Ireland. An integral part of the grieving process for family, friends, and neighbors of the deceased, Irish wakes are occasions that mix gaiety and sadness. The custom is a celebration of the life that had passed … " -- Wikipedia

Lloyd’s wake will be on Monday, November 29 from 5 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., at the NABC Public House (Rich O's), in the Prost special events wing.

Prost being a family seating area, the evening is intended for all ages. There'll be draft Guinness (per Lloyd's request), soft drinks and light snacks provided. For these and minimal other fixed expenses, there’ll be a donation jar. Of course, attendees can order food and drink, "Dutch Treat." Servers will be on duty.

Leftover monies from the donation jar will be given to Lloyd’s family.

There’ll be music, too. I suppose what we need most at present is for all of you who may have crossed paths with Lloyd to gather photos for a display. Please send digital photo files to me at These will be displayed as a slide show. We also can put traditional photographic prints on boards atop easels.

All this can be worked out in the coming weeks, so for now, assemble your memorabilia and let me know what you have. Graham is in constant contact with Lloyd's family, and of course we appreciate any further suggestions. Thanks.

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