Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Goodbye, farewell and amen.

Last night's wake in honor of our friend Lloyd Wimp proved to be a rousing sendoff. Close to three kegs of Guinness were consumed, memories and tales and stories were shared, and there was music, food and laughter. Lloyd wanted us to have a good time and remember him, and I believe the evening did him proud. Thanks to everyone who helped organize and pay for the evening; you know who you are. Special thanks to Martin, Jon and Leslie (Lloyd's wife, who drew the marvelous portrait above; it will hang in the barroom of the Public House).

Here are a few of the photos collected by Jon, as well as the .jpg of Lloyd's eulogy, written by Lloyd himself, and read by Martin. It's time to say goodbye, and to get back to work. To echo Jared: "Long Live The Highwayman!"


  1. A sad and joyous evening. Thanks to all who put this on.

  2. I didn't know Lloyd...but what an amazing self eulogy. Those are words to live by, for sure. Sounds like he was an incredible man.

  3. I love that guy..I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to come last night.

  4. With the portrait and the eulogy, those who never knew Lloyd, do now.

  5. I could not make the eulogy, thank you for sharing a few bits with us. I knew Lloyd casually around town and I will say - he was the real deal. He epitomized devotion to his community, and you just knew he was a good soul from the light in his eyes and his gentle manner. He was too good for this place, I hope he's rested already up there and ready to love and help in even bigger ways; our loss, the universe's gain.

    Thanks for everything Lloyd!
