Friday, November 05, 2010

Friday potpourri.

Today has been a good day for cyber-housekeeping, as I'm only partially ambulatory after wrecking my bicycle yesterday and taking a solid pavement hit to the knee. Damned leaves.

Being a leg man, King Larry will be happy to know that I still look mighty good in tights. He'd surely notice a bit of swelling ... and also some in my knee.

I've shifted my personal @newalbanian Twitter feed from Potable Curmudgeon to NA Confidential, and replaced it at the beer blog with @nabcnews. This makes more sense, because I tend to tweet about local affairs and politics.

I've also posted a ton of past trip photos at Potable Curmudgeon Inc., my travel/consultancy Facebook page. My proposed 2011 trips: In late June or early July, Bamberg Beercycling (Northern Bavaria), and then in September, Belgian Beer Hunting via motorcoach, including the hop fest in Poperinge. Each will be 7-8 day durations, minimum, and details are forthcoming as I get to them.

I'm rethinking NAC's modified anonymity clause. It strikes me as ridiculous that while Jeff and I possess the cojones to risk "reprisals" (really?) and "damage" to our interests merely by signing our names to what we write, others can take advantage of their fundamental cowardice to lob inanities. Contrary to what these intellectual vandals believe, I highly value discussion held on a level playing field. However, let there be one pseudonymous participant, and it becomes unfair to the ones with genuine integrity. Cowardice cheapens the dialogue. There'll be no "outing," but there may be a change come December 31.

There might be more, but I'm breaking for a beer.


  1. To hell with your knee. How's your bike?

  2. Rodger you already know who I am.

    My name is Jeremy Isaac Bledsoe, I was born 8/17/81. My social security number is 313-09-4110, I grew up in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. I graduated from Floyds Central in 2000. I went to Universal Technical Institute in Phoenix, Arizona then to the Audi Academy in Chicago in 2002. I Started going to IUS in 2003, transfered to IU in 2006. I lost my virginity when I was nine. I was sixteen the first time I got drunk, and when I die I don't want a christian burial, is that enough?

    Do you remember Shirley's blog? I was Federal Farmer, and Jacquece Dutronic. It was immensely fun making fun of you because you obviously thought I was someone else, and if you had know who I was it wouldn't of been near as pleasurable.

    Sorry to hear about your accident. I cracked my head open on Main St. in a bicycle accident in May, ask Randy he saw it. If your bike is messed up I have an extra road bike for you to borrow.

  3. Jerremy, thanks, but of course I wasn't referring to you in the first place.
