Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wrong, because the real enemy is Kerry Stemler's totalitarian "mentality."

If you think my use of the world "totalitarian" is too strong, please convince me otherwise, but only after reading the passage below.

Yes, Kerry Stemler has had it with you, plebian.

He'd like for you to remain in your proper place, and while he might have truncated the response and emulated Richard Nixon at the campaign trail urinal in "Where the Buffalo Roam" by saying, "Fuck the public," it would come off any more overbearing than here.

Good work, reporter Lammers. Anyone seen Ed Clere lately?

Heck no, we won’t toll?; Group says separate public meeting is not good enough, by Braden Lammers (News & Tribune)

... To aid in clearing up confusion associated with the project, according to the authority, there will certainly be a chance to ask questions about the project to the board members, but there may be some caveats.

“Obviously, we’ll listen to it ... but we’re not looking how to change this project,” (Kerry) Stemler said. “If somebody gives me a great idea on how to build the project at hand, I’m great with it.”

He said he is most interested in hearing about how the project would affect people individually, but does not necessarily want to hear someone dismiss the idea of tolls without consideration.

“I’ve studied this long enough. Tolling, for this to get built, will be a part of the project,” he said. “My concern is if we don’t build anything where will we be? Tolls aren’t the enemy ... no bridges is the enemy.”


  1. Hang your collar up inside
    Hang your dollar on me
    Listen to the water still
    Listen to the causeway
    You are mad and educated
    Primitive and wild
    Welcome to the occupation

    -M. Stipe

  2. Unlike Bob Knight, several local politicians and a new commenting member of this blog, I am not going to "relax and enjoy" the 2 bridge boondoggle just because it is inevitable. I'm going down kicking and screaming!

  3. Dalby says cooperation and collaboration are critical for success. Stemler says unless you want to do exactly what he wants to do, he won't consider it.

    Should we assume that Dalby will soon be writing a column to call Stemler delusional?
