Friday, October 22, 2010

Come and get 'em: Nash announces his first endorsements.

Matt's been reading the Green/Fischer news out of Louisville: "No jobs or influence were offered to me for the endorsements that I have made."

Read them here: NASH: Announcing my first endorsements


  1. Didn't mention the C-word either

  2. A lot of surprises in Matt's choices. I had to turn back to the front page and check the date. Almost thought it was April Fool's Day. I just love how "progressives" pretend to have an open mind and will refrain from choosing a candidate until we have more information, but the choices always fall on the left...except of course for PA. Is there anyone else running for prosecutor? Just saying....

  3. I just love how Daniel makes accusations when he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

  4. I never made the connection

  5. Daniel,
    Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I'm not voting for either Chuck or Ron? We lose no matter which one gets elected, imo.

    This next comment is really going to sound strange. To a certain extent, I feel almost the opposite way in the race with Shane and Ed. I believe that both are bright and engaged young men. I'm supporting Shane because Ed follows Mitch a little to closely for my taste. And then there is that "no answer and delete the evidence" thing which is the real closer, for me. Never been an answer as to why he did that. Silence is not always golden.
