Thursday, September 02, 2010

Today's Tribune column: "Clerely discontinued Facebook communication."

State Representative Ed Clere's own words summarize the situation: “As an advocate of free speech, I always prefer more speech, not less.”

Me, too, but now I intend to leave this topic behind, permitting the apologists and the star struck to gather at the carvery with long knives and abuse the messenger as a bullying Commie for pointing out the painfully obvious. That's cognitive dissonance at its most entertaining, don't you think?

One question remains: “What is your position on tolling to build the bridges?” Inhabitants of the Open Air Museum still want to know, so we can return to our lives and commence with the required Governor Worship session.
BAYLOR: Clerely discontinued Facebook communication

... Muzzling befits Falangists, not Facebook, so call it censorship, or call it rewriting history — I call it inept and self-defeating — and however termed, this insular impulse to eliminate a legitimate question with ill-advised strokes of electronic white-out is worrisome. The question merely becomes more insistent, and fair-minded people wonder: Why hide? Why not just answer it?

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