Friday, September 24, 2010

Finally, it all becomes Clere: One Southern Indiana now Grooms partisanship, endorses candidates for elected office.

I have to hurry to get this out, but I'll say this: The whole reeking cesspool now makes sense. How can any governmental entity tithe to 1Si after this?



One Southern Indiana's Board of Directors Endorses Candidates

Since 2008, One Southern Indiana has worked diligently to become an active advocate for business and to be more politically engaged. The Public Policy Council was formed with several key goals as outlined by our Board of Directors. A major aim of this group was to draft a Legislative Agenda that addressed issues at the Federal, State and Local level (which included input from the general membership). The Public Policy Council works to ensure that we have a government climate that encourages business growth, economic development and job creation.

The PPC has taken yet another step by recommending candidate endorsements for the November elections. Over the past few months, the PPC interviewed candidates which provided us the opportunity to see how those prospective office holders lined up with our legislative priorities. (The Legislative Agenda and the 2010 Public Policy Council members can be viewed on our website)

Yesterday the 1SI Board of Directors ratified the Public Policy Council's recommendations. The press release below is going out this morning. This is a bold new stand for One Southern Indiana, and we wanted you all to be the first to know. We encourage you to vote, encourage your fellow workers to vote, and request that you consider these endorsements as we work to elect leaders who understand that business pays the most in taxes and business drives our economy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Michael at or 812.945.0266 ext. 202


One Southern Indiana endorses political candidates in 2010 elections

NEW ALBANY, Ind. - (September 24, 2010) - One Southern Indiana today announced its first-ever endorsements of political candidates in a general election. One Southern Indiana's Board of Directors ratified the following endorsements as recommended by its Public Policy Council at the board's September 23 meeting:

In the IN District 46 State Senate race - Ron Grooms

In the IN District 72 State Representative race - Ed Clere

In the IN District 71 State Representative race - Steve Stemler

In the IN 9th Congressional District race - Todd Young

Dale Gettelfinger, One Southern Indiana board member and Chair of our Public Policy Council stated, "The Public Policy Council made these recommendations after seeking face-to-face interviews with these candidates. The only exception was with Congressman Baron Hill, with whom we repeatedly tried to meet but who couldn't find the time." Gettelfinger also noted that, "While Steve Stemler is running unopposed; we have worked closely with Representative Stemler on a number of issues and felt his service to Clark County merited our endorsement."
One Southern Indiana President Michal Dalby noted, "Taking a more engaged role in public policy issues that impact business was a key goal of our Board, and last year we adopted a formal Legislative Agenda. This year we took the next steps by developing a clear legislative agenda, interviewing candidates and endorsing those who we feel support our goals of growing the Clark and Floyd county economies and adding jobs."

The following statements of decision were also adopted:

- Council Member Ron Grooms is a small business owner who knows what it is to make payroll and hire employees. He supports local government simplification and his experience in local government in Jeffersonville gives him the ability to know where we can simplify. He supports the Ohio River Bridges Project and he believes we should give our local school administrators more flexibility to improve education.

· State Representative Ed Clere believes we should let the Bridges Authority do their job and come up with the best financial plan to fund this major jobs project. He says he is not advocating eliminating collective bargaining. Instead, he is concerned the teachers unions may o become so preoccupied with it that they will forget that education is all about teaching our children. He also feels tax increases can be avoided if we work to find additional efficiencies in state and local government.

· State Representative Steve Stemler voted to delay increases on Unemployment Insurance tax last session due to a downturn in the economy. He authored the legislation that led to the current Bi-State Authority. He has worked for key legislation that has assisted in infrastructure development at the River Ridge Commerce Center and the Port of Indiana - Jeffersonville.

· Congressional Candidate Todd Young believes in real health insurance reform that bends the cost curve downward and improves access to affordable health insurance. He believes that Congress should set priorities and invest in our energy, transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. He feels the tax system should be oriented toward attracting investment and growing jobs.

Additionally, One Southern Indiana will monitor the voting records of these and other candidates to examine how their actions reflect their platforms and our legislative agenda.

We did not make endorsements in all races, and lack of an endorsement should not be interpreted as a "non-endorsement" of either candidate in a race.

Attached is the One Southern Indiana's 2011 Legislative Agenda.

Since its creation in July 2006, One Southern Indiana's economic development efforts have resulted in commitments for approximately 5,901 net new jobs in Clark and Floyd Counties. A total of 67 attraction and expansion projects have contributed more than $321 million in new initial capital and $205.6 million in new annual payroll to Southern Indiana.


Michael Dalby, President; One Southern Indiana - 812.945.0266 ext. 202

Tonya Fischer, VP, Investor & Government Relations; One Southern Indiana - 812.945.0266 ext. 206

Dale Gettelfinger, Chairman, Public Policy Council; One Southern Indiana - 812-945-2311


  1. At least we can vote against 3 out of four of these.

  2. This should conclusively explain so many things that I feel tempted to rest my case.

  3. If 1si proudly combines their politics with other activities, why should anyone else be expected to separate them? That particular lie is dead, so those touting 1si's non-partisanship (and you know who you are) may as well give it up.

    Is the full-on adoption of a GOP platform what Mayor England wants for our city and region? The City Council? The Horseshoe Foundation? Dues paying 1Si members?

    If not, why shower the group with money and praise in support of it?

  4. Follow the money. Get a list of Dale Gettelfingers clients at Monroe Shine, they would be ALL of the biggest manufacturers, resource extractors, and Wall Street fronts in Southern Indiana.

    Now, match that list to the tax abatement reports at city hall.

    Then, match the names with ISi's board and and main contributors...viola'

    And just for fun, see how many people on the net-net list of the local "power elite" are Christian fundamentalists and support only republicans.

    Then you start back at the beginning and read the ISi's policy manifesto more intelligently.

    The same small group of "business people" have been going downtown and ripping it off for generations not the least of which is tax abatements. We are also their sewer hole in case you missed that too. They think nothing of asking the elected local government for $70,000 to promote their political agenda.

    Frankly, the people who run city government are just not that smart and have been played for fools for as long as I've been alive and listening at the Country Clubs.

  5. If you favor giving 1si $70,000, or even $35,000 now and $35,000 in another month, please call the council member listed below. Pat, who happens to affiliate with the Democratic Party, is the key vote, although Dan Coffey now says he will vote to give 1si the money [I don't know who got to him].

    Oh, and if you think that would be a poor use of tax money, you know what to do.

    4th District - Patrick McLaughlin
    (812) 949-9140
    pat4na (at)

    Pat, more than most council members, claims to base his votes on the number of calls he has received.

    The final vote on this appropriation comes on Oct. 4.

    Maybe next week this can be a marquee post.

  6. Bookseller - are you advocating for the $70000 shake down from ISi?

  7. No, G. Just a little misdirection play. It seems to be the standard modus around here, no?

  8. I don't care who they endorsed; I find it troubling that they chose to make endorsements in the first place. I'd prefer our Chamber of Commerce, such as it is, to be apolitical and advocate for all business people and staying about the political fray.

  9. The sad part is, I did NOT see that coming. I think I'm going to puke.

  10. So, Ron Grooms told 1SI he supported the bridges project and then said in open council that he didn't have enough information to make a decision on tolls? And Ed Clere has stated his position to 1SI as well? He wouldn't answer to a constituent, but he will answer to the almighty Public Policy Council?

    Wow, my voting decision just got a whole lot easier.

  11. "he is concerned the teachers unions may o become so preoccupied with it that they will forget that education is all about teaching our children."

    -- Ed Clere

    Feel free to post that around schools in Southern Indiana. I would love to see/hear teachers discuss that comment.


  12. Just watched Todd Young's most recent TV ad...they misspelled Baron Hill's name (Barron on ad). How can you be a serious candidate, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and not proofread?

  13. I suppose, if you are going to have a public policy council, eventually they are going to feel the need to voice their opinion for certain candidates.

    Given the fact that they now have a PPC, I am not surprised with their decision to publish or their candidates.

    My question is, why stick your neck out at all? You've already been having public image issues lately and backing ANYONE is opening yourself up for unnecessary criticism.

    The only logical answer to that question is this: they want the attention. This could be a wake-up call for local businesses. 1SI is going to make a play whether you are involved or not. They are going to voice as much as they can for the business they represent. So, in that sense, they are doing their jobs correctly so long as their actions and opinions are shared by their sponsoring organizations.

    They are a malleable entity, in theory. If you want them to represent you, you'd better let them know how you feel.

    I don't like sticking my neck out that far. Especially when candidates don't see fit to educate themselves on an issue they have said was a top priority.

  14. Greg, there's another logical conclusion: They feel completely immune to public perceptions because they have already wired things up to go their way.

    Pride goeth before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall. (ASV)

  15. It is frustrating that I live in Louisville now, because I very badly want to vote against Ed Clere & Ron Grooms. At least I can work on my relatives.
    When I find Louisvillian's for tolls even though the East End bridge can be built without them, I can chalk it up to being rooted in misguided basketball rivalry.
    But when Hoosiers are for tolls, I smell corruption.

  16. Frankly, I'm not going to get too worked up over people "voting" for their own self-interest, as they see it. Politics is nothing more than the competition of ideas and self-interest. You don't have to be an altruist or a philanthropist. You don't have to agree with me.

    All I ask is a little intellectual honesty and the courage to say what you mean and mean what you say.

    Ed (and Amy) Clere have earned no merit from their stance that they were under no obligation to answer the question of where they stand on tolling as a funding mechanism for 1 or 2 bridges.

    Clearly, they didn't mind answering to someone who was certain to agree with them. That they failed to offer the courtesy of answering the question no matter who asked it is unforgivable and disqualifying.

    Just don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.

  17. Best be careful, readers. As Hall and Oates once sang, private eyes are watching you ... they see your every move.

    And they're very, very, paranoid.

  18. They aren't my readers, Roger, so I hesitate to countermand your considered advice. But this is hardly the time to call a shovel a digging implement. But this does sound like an excellent jumping off point for a future posting.

    RESOLVED: One who takes a stand and speaks out on the issues in New Albany must be careful not to offend anyone?

  19. Forgive an occasional shot across the bow.

  20. Greater paranoia = More oversteps = More self-inflicted damage
