Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A "No Tolls" resolution in Jeffersonville?

(The resolution was introduced by council member Fetz, and there was not a second to be found, so no vote was taken, and Ron Grooms wriggles through a decisiveness test yet again)

That's what I get for being busy. Word came through the pipeline earlier today that a no-tolls resolution would appear tonight at the Jeffersonville city council's meeting.

Click here for tonight's Jeff council agenda. The resolution does not appear, but as the web site notes, "the City Council may amend the posted agenda at the beginning of its meeting." Also, via a largely jumpy and barely adequate Quicktime link, you can click to watch Jeffersonville's council meetings, live.

Imagine that. I'm listening as I type. I'll update this posting when news arrives.

1 comment:

  1. According to Curt M., Keith Fetz introduced the resolution and didn't get a second. If I read correctly, it sounded like two or three members may have been absent.
