Monday, August 23, 2010

The guy gets one letter of endorsement from Dalby, and now Bruce Hibbard's acting like he was appointed to the Bridges Authority.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Kerry Stemler should be proud.

New Albany-Floyd County School Board code hits snag, by Harold J. Adams(Courier-Journal).

Several members of the New Albany-Floyd County School Board say they have problems with a proposal by Superintendent Bruce Hibbard asking all board members to pledge they generally “will accept the superintendent's recommendation on all matters that come before the board.”

The provision is part of a proposed Compact & Code of Ethics scheduled for a first reading at Monday night's board meeting.

Another provision says: “The relationship between the superintendent and board members is collegial not hierarchical, based on mutual respect for their complimentary roles.””


  1. Not sure if I am amazed...or horrified...that Hibbard wants carte blanche board approval for his great plans.

    It was a nice reminder to me that I need to look into filing deadlines to run for school board. Not that our members are unsavvy - clearly someone saw the fine print in the plan.

    But, the more I know about Hibbard (and the more I see), the more concerned I become as a parent.

  2. IC 20-26-5 is clear. School boards have ultimate authority for management of the school corporations. Any attempt by a school board to delegate this authority, even to its superintendent, would be dead on arrival since it would directly contradict state statute.

    I don't know what's more bothersome:

    i. that a superintendent might attempt to "grab" power this way;

    ii. that a superintendent might think the board legally can abrogate its duty; or

    iii. that the board might think the board legally can abrogate its duty.

    I will add that this is hardly the first time I've seen a local executive forget that he is accountable to his board.

  3. ...or the first time I've seen a board forget this.

  4. Now, if we could just get Peggy Wilder to move here...

  5. I'd pledge to generally accept his resignation. If that doesn't work, I'd consider seeking it.

  6. There's a lot of disgraceful behavior going on, but this is something for which we, the residents of the corporation district, are responsible.

    At a minimum, the board ought to impose a serious disciplinary measure to its hired superintendent, if only to make it very clear who is the boss.

  7. Dan perhaps a fourth scenario

    iv. Superintendent and board doesn't think citizens will do anything

    Goes along with what Randy is saying.
