Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Clere to Tribune: Do as I say, not as I do.

I suppose we'll be told that one standard of free speech applies to Facebook, and another to print journalism.

Today in the Tribune, State Representative Ed Clere expresses unhappiness at being denied free speech.

Communication will continue, by Ed Clere, Local Columnist.
He writes, "As an advocate of free speech, I always prefer more speech, not less," and "I always appreciate constructive feedback."

I wonder what he thinks about tolling for the bridges project? Shall we ask him? But wait ... we did ask him, and such is his commitment to free speech that the questions were deleted, and the member list was purged. I didn't do it. This blog didn't do it. Progressives didn't do it.

All of this is so very senseless.

I am not the enemy, never was, and never intended to be. Then, why am I being treated like the enemy? If there is some need to put me in my place, can there be an explanation of why I'm a threat to established order? I'm not running for office, and have not endorsed a candidate; in fact, this blog probably expresses more reservations about local Democrats than Republicans, but although the Democrats usually don't pay very close attention to our recommendations, they don't censor us, either.

Is this a set piece? The Twilight Zone? What gives?

By the way, there'll be a column of mine appearing on Thursday. Care to guess the topic?


  1. If he wasn't such an accomplished writer, I could think that perhaps he meant to use the word "complimentary" instead of "constructive" feedback.

    Yes, Mr. Clere, you do represent all of us, not just those who agree with you most or all of the time. Yes, Mr. Clere, if you are all for the two bridges and all for the tolls to pay for it, you would probably be engaged in some debate with some who do not support that. Isn't that what is supposed to happen? "Duck and cover" was meant for nuclear attacks, not for avoiding your constituents.

    Two years ago, the "progressives" who knew Mr. Clere all told me that he was decent guy. Good writer, hard worker, family man. If that was true, then I would suggest that Mr. Clere get out of politics because it has certainly changed him for the worse. Much worse.

  2. If this sort of thing didn't happen every day precisely because so many people who are aware of it won't say anything, it would be difficult to believe.

    But it does and they won't. Perhaps the most disturbing part of all this is just how ordinary it is.

  3. It probably goes to show that the nature of an elected office holder, whatever the political party, is to assure his or her re-election.

    It's more important than anything else; therefore, it's like Mr. Dalby's Bridge, in the sense that whatever it takes, that's what you do. I accept it as reality, and move on.

    Questions about tolls? Delete.

    Questions about attack ads? Ignore.

    Unscripted commentary? Avoid.

    The reason why I'm floored -- and maybe I'm missing something here -- is that to look at the race objectively, Shane Gibson does not seem to be a threat this time around.

    The Democratic Party is inert. The conservatives that inhabit both parties are mad as hell. Clere has taken full advantage of the weekly slot in the newspaper. He has a clear path, doesn't he? So, why the recent hostility to two-way communications?

    Perhaps a clue came today when Clere complained that while he studiously avoided using his column to play politics (ahem), Gibson used his very first instance of equal Tribune time to attack Clere! The temerity! The palpable annoyance!

    I think Clere wants not just to beat Gibson, but to crush him. The Clere camp is prone to perceiving slights where none exist; we've all experienced it. There's a bit of the persecution/siege mentality there. Our questions are interpreted as attacks.

    Moreover, Clere and Gibson attended the same high school, where one was an "average, albeit talented Joe" while the other was an acclaimed jock with all the attention jockdom accrues.

    Do the math. The pretty boy needs to be taken down a notch, and anyone stepping in the line of fire goes, too.

    I'll repeat something I've said before, and I don't mean it as an insult, just an observation: There's a bit of Nixon in Clere. There'll be ruthlessness in managing his sinecure, and I think we're seeing it now.

    I imagined that in such political matters, it would be difficult to remain on the good side of a highly ideological person. I just didn't reckon on how hard it would be. I think we're witnessing the metamorphosis of a career politician, one who'll play a harder and harder brand of ball with each re-election. That's what true believers do, and it isn't that I don't respect it. Rather, I know that I personally cannot inhabit that ground, and it saddens me.

    They're just my opinions, of course. Not that it really matters at this stage.

  4. I often wonder if people who take such an approach teach their children to do it, other than by example.

    "This is the place where you duck your head and pretend you didn't see anything."

    "Now is when you step into the shadow so no one sees you."

    "These are the people you bow to and placate, no matter what."

    Probably not. Saying it out loud seems like it would be difficult.

  5. Jeez, I’m just surprised you and Jeff are surprised Clere (R-IND) hasn’t downed the “Mitch for the White House” Kool-Aid since he took office. Who would blame him, the Kool-Aid really is better in Indy and it’s gotta be amazing in Washington DC. Clearly Rep Clere is just a “spear holder” for Daniels at this point. Or, if you don’t like that for a “conspiracy theory”(hi Allen), he’s taking his marching orders from the local economic elite. It’s totally their style to delete and deny. They’re silent at the moment because they’re busy digging up dirt on you so the can start a public smear campaign if necessary. They do exert power covertly here, you are wise to wonder if there will now be an ambush. No “little people” will stop their march. They are the “captains of Industry” who are gods amongst men. But that is so 20th century... damn it, there’s the phone, it’s the Pendennis Club calling to de-list me...again.

  6. Hahahahaha.

    "If he wasn't such an accomplished writer ..."

    You guys crack me up on here.
