Monday, August 16, 2010

Categorically brilliant.

David Harvey takes a holistic view of recent global economic activities that smell a lot like local goings on.


  1. Very interesting and fun video Jeff.

    "Any Sensible person would join an anti-capitalist organization."

    Some people are more sensible than others.

  2. Fun to watch the drawings. But I don't know how much help this video is. The speaker admits that he does not have the solutions. I don't know what his aim is.

    I strongly disagree with his statement that any sensible person would join an anti-capital organization. Unlike thinkers in the 1930s and 1940s, today we have multiple examples of what happens to countries that go down the anti-capitalists path. Where would you rather live, North Korea or South Korea?

    I feel about Capitalism the way Churchill felt about Democracy: The worst form of economy except for all others.

  3. A sincere question Dan: Are you planning to run as a Republican?

  4. Of course he is, Jeff. Local politicians derive from the local populace, 95% (or more) of which is Republican even if declaring as Democrat. The question: Is Dan among the 5%?

    I now believe that in our Mayor/Deputy Mayor campaign, we should run as Green Reds.

  5. If we run as Red Greens, PBS might sue us. Maybe we should consider yellow as a cautionary tale.

    I'm serious about the question, though. The dissonance is disconcerting from a voter's perspective.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dems can't be capitalists, Jeff? If so, are you saying Obama is a Marxists or not a Dem?

    If you want to know my economic views, they're much in line with those of Warren Buffett, capitalist, critic of many Wall St. practices, and proponent of certain market regulations and of estate taxes.

  8. Actually, Dan, I asked a question rather than making a pronouncement.

    And after the "answer", I still have the same question.

  9. Jeff, your insistence on asking questions may lead me to remove you from the mayor/deputy mayor campaign, even though it was your idea, and I cannot remember which of us is which since I drunkenly fell and busted my head, which buttressed my credentials immeasurably as a Groucho Marxist.

  10. I apologize. But I'm cheaper. That's me.

    If that doesn't work, I'll get plastered. That's you.

    Geez. I'm I going have to do this for four years?

  11. Based on that last sentence, I'm apparently confused about our roles as well. Oh, wait...
