Thursday, July 15, 2010

One bike leads to another.

The Bastille Day beer dinner at Bank Street Brewhouse last night was finished around 9:00 p.m., and as is my custom, I had a dessert beer after dessert.

It may have been two.

Both bicycle lights, front and back, were fully enabled before my pedaling away commenced just before ten. I crossed the Carnegie Center parking lot and made for 3rd Street, southbound, swinging a louie onto Market. Ahead I could see the barriers on 4th, and recalled that Steinert’s has been closing the street on Wednesdays, creating an outdoor party mall between Hugh E. Bir’s and Main Street.

Previously, I’d seen motorcycles lined up there, so I eased into the right lane to have a look, and just a split-second past Bir’s, there was movement to the side. I sensed the presence of someone standing there in the shadows, whom my quiet approach had startled, but he was entirely unfazed.

“Hey, it’s bike night,” came his voice from the gloaming.

Wit when your buzz is on … always appreciated.

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