Friday, July 23, 2010

NA Event Watch: farmer poet Paul Hunter at Destinations, Farmer's Market, July 24.

'One Seed to Another' is staggering and bracing in its truths and relevance. This is straight talk from a man whose every breath is poetry and whose heartbeat is directly plugged into farming as right livelihood.

His accomplishment is our accomplishment for these words in this seminal book are at once familiar and fresh, testing and taunting. They give us ourselves.
- Lynn Miller, Small Farmer's Journal

Paul will be chatting and signing books at the Destinations Booksellers table at the New Albany Farmer's Market from 9-11 a.m. and will then do a reading at the store at 12 p.m.

A bio from PBS Newshour, where there's additional information, poems, and streaming media:

Paul Hunter is a poet, musician, instrument-maker, teacher, and editor and publisher. For over a decade, he has produced letterpress books and broadsides under the imprint of Wood Works Press, located in Seattle.

His poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Bloomsbury Review, Iowa Review, North American Review, Poetry and Poetry Northwest.

Hunter is the author of several chapbooks and four books of poetry: "Ripening" (2006) and "Breaking Ground" (2005 Washington State Book Award), both published by Silverfish Review Press; "Mockingbird" (1981, Jawbone Press) and "Pullman" (1976, University of Washington Press).

He's also a member of the Small Farms Conservancy.


  1. Through close of business Saturday, and especially at the Farmers' Market in the morning, anyone who chooses may designate their purchases to benefit the Floyd County Animal Rescue League.

    Hunter's appearance in New Albany just might be graced by a cameo from Wendell Berry, who has been invited to visit an old acquaintance. Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the mention. I know one patron who'll be racing to New Albany hoping to arrive before Mr. Hunter ends his reading.

  2. Hope to make it tomorrow. Love the picture on the book. I grew up around draft horses such as those.

  3. Thanks to everyone who came out, one of our best events since I've been there. Paul is a pretty amazing, yet humble fellow. Found out afterwards that he's quite the beer guy...been brewing his own beer for about 30 years. I hope to have him come back next time he's in town. Again, thanks to those of you who came to the reading, it was a memorable event for me.
