Saturday, July 31, 2010

I smell a GOP rat.

Why is this unverifiable slam about "somewhat" of a break in tradition being reported as news, as opposed to an letter to the editor, where such opinions belong?
newsandtribune (Twitter) ... Negative view: Local woman says Obama snubbed 45,000 Boy Scouts by skipping annual jamboree ...
C'mon, guys. In what sense is this a story worthy of publishing? Haven't we seen that if you don't like this or any other president from the start, anything he does is subject to such a viewpoint? How is this not politically motivated -- did anyone check before printing?

Slow (real) news day?


  1. Slow news day perhaps. I think the writer is trying to reveal a long standing angst that Obama holds for traditional American events. Presidents have been visiting the scouts at their Jamboree event since it started. This year marks the 100 year anniversary which makes it even more special. The belief is that the president will not attend because the scouts prefer not to have homosexuals as scout leaders. Of cours, I just reiterated what you already knew.

  2. "I think the writer is trying to reveal a long standing angst that Obama holds for traditional American event"

    Is that what they thought of Reagan as well? He didn't attend the Jamboree in either of his terms, neither did Nixon. Of course they didn't think that about Reagan, it's only the scary liberal that gets questioned.

  3. The point remains the same. At best, this is a letter to the editor, not front pages "news."
