Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Open thread: Your thoughts on the mayoral forum?

I saw many readers in attendance tonight. It seemed to me to be roughly 1/3 city employees, 1/3 blog readers, tweeters and chronic council attendees, and another 1/3 random citizens.

If there was any central point to emerge from what I heard during my admittedly brief time eavesdropping, it was that so much time, effort and political capital are required to achieve daily city operations in the teeth of Indiana state government's draconian deprivations, and against fanatical resistance from the city council, that it's a wonder we get anything else accomplished at all.

Such is life in a state where the governor can use mandated malnourishment as a springboard to national prestige.

But enough of that. Tell us what you think.


  1. There was a total of 42 people. No one wearing a NO shirt. It could have gone a lot worse.

    I thought the questions were appropriate (besides one).

  2. From the Tribune:

    England said slum landlords can be blamed for many of the cleanliness issues the city faces, but added “there’s so many fights to be done you have to pick your battles.”

    So pick some.

  3. V for Vendetta.

    G for Goose Wranglers.

    Who says candidates can't bring jobs to New Albany?
