Sunday, June 13, 2010

Open thread: Celts on the River show at Riverfront Amphitheater -- Yes? No? Undecided?

Thanks to anyone and everyone who braved the miserable heat and humidity and turned out for Celts on the River yesterday. My sense is that there were actually more Louisvillians than locals in attendance, and that makes me curious.

If you came down, did you like the event or dislike it? If you chose not to attend, why? I'm delighted to see so many people from across the river, but still wondering how this show is being viewed in Indiana, and what can be done to improve it. Of course, the weather refused an invitation to take part in the panel discussion.


  1. we came down for the last couple hours (because of the heat and the kiddos). It was great. I wish it hadn't been so miserable as we wanted to be there for a lot more!!!

    We say keep it up and we will keep coming!

  2. We were there early in the day - 3ish. Only stayed about an hour on account of the heat, but enjoyed it while there. No complaints but for the heat! And the sparse attendance while I was there - probably due to the heat.
