Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More summer of hot and cold showers as incomplete council centipedes annexation.

Lately the city council has been performing more often than the Rumors, except that the band's members generally show up, and when the music's over, the crowd leaves actually feeling good about the experience.

Last night, councilmen Gonder and McLaughlin were absent as the body considered annexation and found the five votes necessary to stave off Steve Price's "polly wanna cracker" abstentions.

Interestingly, one definition of abstention is "the act or habit of deliberate self-denial." In Price's case, he denied himself a "no" vote. When you're getting paid for piece work by the frequency of rejection, does that constitute a pay cut?


  1. Asking if the city gets $700,000 additional taxes does that mean the county loses $700,000. How can a council member not know this? That city taxes are in addition to county taxes. It about as basic as it gets. Doesn't he realize that he pays county taxes, too? Has he even looked at his property tax bills? Can he interpret that tax bill?

    The Mayor didn't bother to show--again.

    Ineptitude(on all sides)continues to rear its ugly head.

  2. Ineptitude(on all sides)continues to rear its ugly head.

    As Ronnie Van Zant once sang, "You Got that Right."

    Currently, just about all of them on all "sides" got it wrong. The fact that these sides persist is probably the most depressing part of it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The following was told to me by someone, so it is hearsay. Take it for what it is worth.

    A former Floyd Democratic party official, "Our only job is to get people elected--not to formulate plans and/or policy."

    I have two responses to that.
    1. It shows.
    2. Thanks a lot.

  5. Ronnie Van Zant for mayor/council/dog catcher!

    And before anyone mentions it, I'm aware of his current condition. In keeping with multiple traditions, we can get Johnny to fill in.
