Thursday, June 17, 2010

City council meeting tonight -- crickets chirp, pins drop, and kitchen tables are soiled with tequila droppings.

There is a city council meeting tonight.

Fast-moving reporter Daniel Suddeath also provides a Tribune account of the mayoral forum last night, here, and explains Redevelopment's Greenway funding and Bobo riverfront development discussion, here, including this classic line: "Some council members, including Dan Coffey and Steve Price, have expressed disdain for funding another parking garage with public dollars."

That's the mild way of describing the screaming, ranting, hissing, floor-pounding, breaths-held, full-court-press-against-modernity approach of the conjoined councilmen, but it is accurate.

The light agenda for tonight's council meeting normally is here., but it has not been updated since May 3.

I can't go, thus risking my status as member of the Gang of Pour, because I'll be at the annual Exclusively New Albany fete at the mayor's home.

Then, later tonight, me thinks the Keltics will defeat the Lakers and win the NBA title. Will Iamhoosier be watching?


  1. Yes, if I have trouble going to sleep.

  2. I'll be rooting for green on the one day a year when the NBA matters.

    With a light agenda, communications from city officials, council edition, ought to be simply delightful.

  3. I may hit BSB after the meeting after doing Studios last night. Game on there?

  4. I'm sure Nasty will facilitate.

  5. No way, Lakers by 10-15

  6. City Council adjourned before 8 p.m.

    They will meet Monday and Tuesday evenings for budget work sessions.

    They will meet for a special meeting on Thursday, May 24, to introduce an annexation ordinance to take in the commercial district northeast of the Lee Hamilton Expressway at Charlestown Road.

    They will meet in regular session on Thursday, July 1, at 7:15.

    They will meet at 6 p.m. on July 15 for a work session on code revisions and then at 7:30 for the second regular meeting of July.

    Ordinances expected to come forward on July 1 include a paving ordinance, a public safety funding ordinance, and an extension of the current sanitation contract with SIWS.

    The 2010 budget was approved. The general fund budget was approved at $15,816,448, compared to the 2009 general fund budget of $14,499,572. It is possible that the tax cap/circuit breaker could reduce this number across the board, but it won't be known until Friday.

  7. " Will Iamhoosier be watching?"

    Not one minute did I watch.

  8. You missed glimpsing the way NBA players can play defense when motivated to do so. For three quarters, it seemed unlikely that either team would score 80 points.

    I recall few games where the defensive intensity was so high. Finally, near the end of the fourth quarter, the Kelts lost just enough energy to enable the Lakers to sneak past. If not for Ron Artest, Boston would have won. Imagine that.

  9. Saw some replays this morning. As much as I hate to admit it, it would have been a great game to watch.
