Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tribune shout out in The Ville Voice.

With its April 25 editorial, our own Tribune placed itself in front of the bridges issue, lapping the moribund and fatally compromised Courier-Journal. That's right. We're leading Louisville in something. Cool.

Tribune editorial: Build the East End bridge, re-evaluate the Downtown bridge, and annoy the hell out of 1SI by disagreeing.

The 'Ville Voice blog noticed, and congratulates Coach K and the gang for evading the foremost Louisville pressure group. I wonder if One Southern Indiana even privately rebuked the newspaper for having the temerity to enunciate the anti-Stemler, non-party line?

Since our big city newspaper doesn’t have a clue what journalism is these days – and ignorantly thinks people will buy the paper to read sports stories – you should probably just start reading the News and Tribune, the paper actually covering yesterday’s bridges and tolling meeting without fearing the wrath of River Fields. [Click the Clicky]

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