Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today's Tribune column: "A veritable cabal of babble."

I do fairly precise work. I try to place quotation marks in the "right" place, spell words correctly, and use bold print and italics for emphasis when merited. When the makers of FORMICA command the use of caps and ®, it's what I try to do. Then I hand it over to someone else, and try not to look at it again, so that I don't want to scream the way I do today, when I couldn't resist looking.

No matter. Never mind. Thou shalt not be a control freak. Here is today's Tribune column, and a glimpse into the Gang of Four's gravy-bedecked, broken-stringed, decision-making process. We can only hope that some day, Naygain and McWafflin clue us into the broader specifics of their action plan to thwart progress in New Albany.

BAYLOR: A veritable cabal of babble

... “I don’t have a problem with that,” spluttered Cappuccino as delicately ground, meaty shrapnel trickled daintily onto the yellowed Sui-Generis® brand of paper plate, “but I’m sick and tired that it’s just now coming to my heartfelt attention, not that I don’t already know more about whatever you just said than you do."


  1. My bologna has a last name
    It's m-A-y-e-r

    Kraft Foods' lawyers are on the phone, and they demand a spelling correction.

  2. Yep, I'll take credit for that one. Spell check liked it!

  3. These Cappuccino/Lil' Stevie columns have become one of my favorite things about living in NA.

    I think of them as being on a similar level with the Randy Newman album Good Ole Boys, which I find myself singing quite often these days.
