Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RemCha: "The Mayoral Forum will be June 16 at 6:30-8:00 in the Library."

I "ran into" Jameson Bledsoe (RememberCharlemagne, i.e., RemCha) yesterday -- he was in his pickup truck and I was on my bicycle, and we were approaching each other on Elm at Vincennes, from opposite directions, though not playing chicken (just yet), and he confirmed the mayoral forum date, as elaborated below in a comment that I place on the marquee for maximum exposure:

The Mayoral Forum will be June 16 at 6:30-8:00 in the Library. It is the Wednesday before the council meeting.

I think this is a great opportunity for citizens of New Albany to better understand what the Mayor's plans are outside of the city council's chambers.

When I have time I will write more details of what was said at the meeting.I will quickly add one point and that was a comment about citizen participation. For the forums to continue, people need to show up. I don't think this will be a problem because when Mr. Coffey held his town hall meeting there was a good turnout. I hope even more people will come to the Mayoral Forum.


  1. The meeting started off talking about the events that will be held at the river front this year.

    I don't know if NAC has posted the events but the Mayor's office has a paper with profiles of some of the artist for the bicentennial and a schedule of riverfront events on the back.

    The diversity of the events was pleasant to read. Concerts, Ballet, and a couple of Plays to name a few.

    The conversation turned to the forum. At first they wanted to hold it at IUS where June 8 the McDonald Lane Project is going to be discussed.

    Carl felt that wouldn't be a good time and after a few other locations and scheduling conflicts the Library was settled.

    The goal will be to hold 4 forums at different locations throughout the year.

    The Mayor is working on a new contract with sanitation and he feels that the forum will be a good opportunity to announce it. I would think that tomorrow some information will be released at the council meeting.

    The forum will also be a time when citizens can address the Mayor publicly with concerns.

    Other things that he mentioned are the ball parks and swimming pool. I take it that he will mention the need for these things at the forum.

    The conversation lasted for over an hour when it changed to the conversation about a plan for the properties that are being demo or the lack of a plan.

    I also asked if the city would open up a location for citizens to drop of large garbage items instead of leaving it in the alleyways. He said he would try and work it out.

    After the two topics were addressed the meeting was over and I asked the Mayor about anything new on the Coyle Property. He said that the county wasn't onboard and the Coyles had someone interested in storage units for the property. I hope this is not true.

    I asked him what he thought about a for-profit college on the site. He said the funny thing is Indiana Tech has met with him recently about opening up a location here in New Albany. I encouraged him and Carl to try and locate them at the Coyle Property. The Indiana Tech may not materialize I said if not them try another.

  2. As I mentioned before the Carl and the Mayor was concerned about participation with citizen.

    Jeff Gillenwater made a good point about people not being on the same page. This forum could be the catalyst for that. Once citizens know what the Mayor is doing and once the Mayor knows what citizens want can everyone work toward those goals.

    Less then a month from now the forum will be here. It will take peoples work to make sure it is a good turn out.

    Maybe DNA will sponsor refreshments

    Punch and Pie anyone?

  3. Thanks for the report, Jameson.
