Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Now on the Jouett Meekin Memorial Keg Box ...

... at the 1117 East Spring Street Neighborhood Association, it's:

Aecht Schlenkerla Fastenbier. Stay tuned for our handy new on-line reservation form so you can book your visits to the friendly confines of 1117 and help plot the 2011 3rd district council de-selection campaign over a long, cool smoked lager.


  1. Change I can believe in.

  2. Do you realize how ridiculous it is that you have Fastenbier on tap, in your garage, in New Albany?

  3. I don't know if anyone would be interested but Carl got back with me about setting up a public forum.
    I will be meeting with him sometime this week I would like others to join in.

    I think this is an opportunity that might merit results and hope others will take advantage of it.

  4. Brandon: Not only Fastenbier, but Solidarity, too.

    RemCha: Lemme know and I'll try to be there.

    Jeff: Yep.
