Sunday, May 23, 2010

Marijuana, sodomy and the sting of the lash.

At widely scattered intervals, I hear it said that there is a variable concept known as the people's "will" that presumably matters when it comes to public policy. If the state police find it disconcerting that people generally don't regard marijuana as a threat, then, umm, why ...

ISP faces new challenges as it beings marijuana eradication, by Maureen Hayden (News and Tribune)

INDIANAPOLIS — After 20 years in law enforcement, Indiana State Police Sgt. Lou Perras knows this: Marijuana is like the Rodney Dangerfield of illegal drugs — it gets no respect.

Earlier this month, Perras and a team of state troopers launched their annual outdoor campaign to eradicate cultivated cannabis. But as in years past, their war on drugs includes combating the public's cavalier attitude toward pot.

“People have this attitude, ‘it's just marijuana,’” said Perras. “That's a sad misrepresentation of this drug.”


  1. You really need to see the film "Refer Madness." It will explain the importance of eradication.

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