Saturday, May 08, 2010

Beer from New Albany at Louisville Slugger Field.

Previously we asked: Is tonight the night for NABC at Louisville Slugger Field?

Two days later, there is a qualified answer: Louisville Slugger Field craft beer update ... so far, so good (we think).

On Thursday night, I was proud to see New Albany-brewed beer pouring from a tap in Louisville Slugger Field. It isn't just about money, and never has been. It's also about intangibles, moral victories and simple satisfaction.

I'm eager to hear reader reports if and when you make it to a Bats game during this homestand, which ends with next Thursday's game. All of it will become clearer as the season progresses, and a routine is established. Perhaps NA Confidential Night at the ballpark, later in the year?


  1. Roy and I made it out to the game Thursday night.

    Bad news: When we found the tap and asked for Beak's, the response was "Huh?" Pointing helped.

    Good news: A couple near us were talking about limited beer choices, obviously in search of something other than swill. When I mentioned NABC was available right where we were standing, the response was "Excellent. Hoptimus?"

    They were happy with Beak's but Roy and I couldn't help wondering how much more exciting games could be with a proper dose of the sterner stuff.

    A Confidential ballpark excursion would be great. You guys have almost got me back in a baseball mood. Of course, I'm thinking an overnight trip to the ATP tennis tournament in Cincy in August with the requisite visit to the Hofbrauhaus would be pretty marvy, too.

  2. Given the concessionaire's, er, "wishes" when it comes to mark-up, Hoptimus simply might not be feasible. Elector might be a better bet. I'd like to see the results of a Hoptimus Happy Hour. It probably would be similar in effect to Disco Demolition Night back in the 70's.

  3. Yep. Seven or eight bucks for 10 ounces might be counterproductive.

    DDN in NA, though, could be quite productive in a gloriously counterproductive sort of way. I wonder if Kim Sorise is busy. A good dose of funk and soul in conjunction with the sterner stuff could remedy all manner of ills.

    We might even finally answer the "where do New Albanians go to get laid?" question. For those still in need, a massage would be in walking distance. Can't lose.

  4. I'd be up for a NAC night of baseball.
