Thursday, April 01, 2010

Today's Tribune column: "Light beer? It’s from right here."

It figures that this would be the place to foist light beer on the planet. Poor planet ... but today, on this most appropriate of holidaze, the only thing I know for sure is what Basil Fawlty taught me:

"Just don't mention Bottles Unlimited!"

BAYLOR: Light beer? It’s from right here

In 1910, the German-language Louisville Anzeiger newspaper praised Augustus Tusch of neighboring New Albany.

“Herr Tusch is a lager brewer of great repute whose cleanliness and quality is of the highest order, with barrels filled and delivered fresh within the astounding radius of ten blocks from his business address.”


  1. I also posted this on the earlier thread re: Bottles Unlimited. Talked to the owner this morning--he plans to rebuild on site.

  2. I said, Lord, take me downtown,
    I'm just lookin' for some Tusch.

  3. I love having a butcher shop across from Churchill Downs and using the words small "wonder" when speaking of the monks liquid "bread". I appreciate the thought that went into that Roger. Great job!

  4. A tip of my hat to you.

  5. For $5 per person, I will give a tour of the Tusch suite at St. Ed, where it is said that Herr Tusch passed. It's also known as unit 401.

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  7. That's interesting, Ted--did Tusch have a big unit? I'm serious :)
