Thursday, April 15, 2010

Open thread: City council, sewer rates and death threats?

Obviously, I did not attend, although I'm confident that The King would have appreciated these emerging tan lines. Following are local media tweets in reverse chronological order up to the time of posting. If those in attendance have anything to add, please do, and I'll follow on Friday morning with links to newspaper coverage.

CJ_Harold_Adams @newalbanian It was a blast and still going when I left at 9:30.

CJ_Harold_Adams Sewer rate increase will have no effect until bond ordinance passes.

CJ_Harold_Adams Companion bond ordinance to sewer rate increaae tabled til 27th to update language to reflect selected rate option.

CJ_Harold_Adams Sewer rate increase passes on final reading 5-4. 23 percent immediately and 20 percent in 2012.

CJ_Harold_Adams Mayor England opened council mtg w angry attack on alleged death threats to members over vote on sewer rates. Calls for prosecution.

CJ_Harold_Adams Full time council attorney passes first two readings. Decisive third reading at next meeting.

trib_daniel Said it's over sewer rate

trib_daniel mayor says members oh his administration threatened, has on tape and will press charges

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