Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Clarksville Levee bike route, Part Three.

The final three views depict the new Clarksville levee path as approached from the Jeffersonville side along Riverside Drive. Merely follow the sign that reads "Falls of the Ohio."

There already is a road over the top of the levee, but the new approach is inclined more gently.

Here is the Ohio River and the Falls of the Ohio center.

From here to the end point at the old rail bed, the entire path is less than two miles long, but it's a new and scenic way to experience the area. Progress is being made. Thanks to whomsoever toiled tirelessly to carve this bit of forward thinking from the river muck that passes for vision hereabouts.


  1. I have been using this route to commute to work from NA to Dutchmans & Cannons Ln, which takes less than an hour an a half (even if I stop in Cherokee Park and have breakfast).

    Except for the New Albany section & the bridge, the rest of the trip is virtually all on bike paths. Which amounts to nearly 15 miles of safe cycling everyday.

    Thanks for posting this. It is an exciting and easy route to take every morning and will be even moreso one NA completes their end.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bicyclists and motorists alike need to extra cautious at the road crossing above the Falls meseum. It is extremely hard for motorists to see them at the angle, and I have seen a few near hits from cyclists not stopping at the sign for them...

    But other than that it is a really nice stretch of "pathway"

  4. oops make that "Falls museum"......

  5. Roger,

    Today I took your suggested route by the bakery under the overpass. I have been taking the Brown's Station Bridge (or Spring St, whatever its called) to Emery Crossing to connect to the Greenway.

    Your way is much safer, that bridge is deadly.
