Wednesday, April 07, 2010

House pets and the Rapture: "Peace of mind, for just 92 cents a month."

Thanks to RC for this thought-provoking link. 20 to 40 million ... gads.

Caring for Pets Left Behind by the Rapture: For a fee, this service will place your dog or cat in the home of a caring atheist on Judgment Day, by Mike Di Paola (BusinessWeek).

Many people in the U.S.—perhaps 20 million to 40 million—believe there will be a Second Coming in their lifetimes, followed by the Rapture. In this event, they say, the righteous will be spirited away to a better place while the godless remain on Earth. But what will become of all the pets?


  1. So here's my question: Have you signed up to be one member of the "national network of godless humans to carry out the mission?"

  2. According to the article, atheists may not be trustworthy pet caretakers--Roger, are you keeping the litter pans scooped and the food bowl full?
