Friday, March 26, 2010

Housing + Transportation Affordability Index, Louisville Region.

Take a gander at this and consider who we'd be subsidizing and what we'd be encouraging with the Ohio River Bridges Project. Also consider that the NA-FC School Corporation is operating in lockstep to compel bad decision making.

H+T Affordability Index: Louisville, KY--IN: Comparing Housing Costs - % Income to Housing and Transportation Costs - % Income

The Housing + Transportation Affordability Index is an innovative tool that measures the true affordability of housing based on its location.

© Copyright 2003-10 Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 W North Ave, Chicago, IL 60647 · Tel: (773) 278-4800 · Fax: (773) 278-3840


  1. We have been anxiously awaiting the results of this study for some time. Even though it offers no surprises, it does allow our reports and analysis to be substantiated even further with new correlations and data. And it could not have arrived at a better time.

    What I find most encouraging about this study is that the compartmentalization between housing policy and transportation policy may finally begin to be torn down.

  2. You're right, Josh. The feds finally seem to be changing gears a bit. That's why it's so important to make sure our local plans match rather than conflict with those changes. At the moment, we have more work to do locally than in DC.

  3. Amen to that.

    Neighborhood Planning & Preservation (NPP)is holding a meeting about ORBP at 10am tomorrow. The address is 1406 Washington St (Butchertown).

    I am trying to come up with a methodology to determine what affect ORBP would have on housing prices.

    Jeff, if you have any ideas, let me know.

    The alternative plans already exist, as you are well aware, the problem is in garnering public support for those plans. I think that burden falls more heavily on the shoulders of southern Indiana residents b/c we stand to lose a lot more in this deal.

    Which is why, at some point, meetings and studies and discussions are not going to be enough. At some point, community organizing and action are going to have to replace discourse.

    Perhaps we can schedule a meeting to discuss the possibilities.

  4. That's fascinating. It would be interesting to see the H&T map with overlays of reliable crime and education data, bike lanes, public transit, historic district, etc.

  5. See the Metropolitan Housing Coalition's website for their yearly reports that contain similar layers. We are working on putting together some new ones in light of this study.
