Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hatred? It speaks for herself.

Periodically I'm advised that by satirizing those who differ from my point of view, I'm cheapening myself and reducing the chances for everyone to sit down at the same table and be substantive. I see the point. Perhaps there are times when this has been true.

Here's the other side of it, something that shows what we're up against. It may be unwise for me to satirize Vickie Denhart's Freedom of Speech, so today, let's just permit her hate speech to speak for itself.


By One voice

Your political career is over. Kiss your house seat goodbye.

Hussein Odumbo and Botox Pelosi mixed up a big old batch of "Baylor's Brewhouse Kool-aid" and convinced you to drink up and walk the plank.
"You're a bigger dumb ass than we thought."

You said it better than we ever could:

"In the short term, it's going to cost me!"

You got that right! "Bye, Bye...Baron Hill.

Didn't you learn anything over the last 14 month's?

"Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim."


  1. If I disagree with a woman, am I automatically a misogynist, or is there an application process?

  2. Hussein Odumbo and Botox Pelosi? Oh yes, calling people names is really good for public conversation and discussion. And it's also so very courageous to do so anonymously.

  3. "They" want accountability from everyone but themselves.

  4. How long do you think she has been off her meds?

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one that found her latest post extra-crazy flavored.

  6. It's always a cheap shot when you use somebody's name to make a point. Even if it's a mild variation of Coffee or Cappuccino. However much I may agree on such a statement, or call somebody much worse in my thoughts, it always makes me cringe when a name is used in a demeaning manner in a public forum. I expect it from lunatics, and see it as another nail in their coffin (no pun intended)... but I always expect more from those who I either agree or sympathize with. This is not meant as a slight, just an observation.

  7. My inner libertarian is amused that in a free society any of you supposedly intelligent life forms picks up and reads "pornography", then screams bloody murder it's being published. Like there isn't enough good decent stuff to keep you busy? Is this the evil twin site for R.O.C.K. now? Oh, you boys can really twist up your knickers over some poor blog. If you don't like another blog, don't read it. Why turn your blog into a hate blog? Do you see the irony in what you're doing? Apparently not...

  8. Sometimes someone's speech is so unacceptable, others need to step up and publicly say "This is unacceptable." Sometimes someone's so adamant about spreading disinformation, it's helpful to others to fact check.

    I presume that someone who blogs about her or his political statements wants those statements to be read and considered. Anyone desiring the opposite can always decide not to blog about politics.

    There is a big difference between (i) a critique and (ii) a call for censorship. Unlike ROCK, no one here is calling for censorship. The best way to combat inappropriate and factually incorrect speech is with additional speech. Hence many of the comments today.

    While I generally believe saying only positive things of others, I fear a world where only positive comments of other people's political statements is acceptable.

    The Freedom of Speech posts frequently misstate fact. They're also frequently hateful and racist. Had Hitler blogged in the 1920s about Jews, I hope at least one person would have ignored the "If you don't like, don't read it" call.

    I'm not calling for censorship. I am going on record that as an attorney, I often find the legal discussions as confused and the legal conclusions false. As a human, I find the hateful and racists writings sickening.

  9. I, for one, will admit to a new and greater appreciation for the intellectual rigor of Mr. Chandler.

    Well said, sir.

    Of course, your commentary is necessarily diminished due to your chromosomal makeup. Alas, nothing that can be done about that, but it apparently disqualifies you from being an eligible player, no matter your conscience, soul, or advocacy.

  10. Well said, Dan. You said it more eloquently than I could have, but I agree with your statements.

  11. No doubt the blogger FOS, of whom I know only through your constant references to it here, is one of thousands of hateful, racist, delusional individuals blogging and using the internet, as we speak. I doubt anyone would pay attention were it not for your "obsession"? I used the pornography analogy 'cause I don't like pornography, but I accept it's going on, and I'm not going to spend half my public energy fighting it. My choice. I think you as well could choose not to read the writings of delusional hateful people. There is so little time to read anything anyway, how do you find the time to go there?

  12. When sunshine kills the germs, then I'm for opening the curtains.

  13. Unsurprisingly, Rep. Hill's office is receiving death threats, per the today's CJ.

    Irresponsible speech has consequences. Statements by "Tea Party" members show they are often very wrong on the facts. Some Republicans have the "party" as a tool of intimidation and fear. We shouldn't be surprised by the threats.

    Do I believe the FOS author is about the assassinate a Congressman? No. Do I believe a Tea Party member, fueled by the mob, is capable of a political assassination. Yes.

    The more counterargument there is, the more people say certain hate speech and calls of violence are unacceptable, the less the chance of something really terrible happening.

  14. Dan, thanks for context - the entire country is seething with people like FOS. They have been for one reason or the other been disenfranchised and they are angry. Personally, Obama won the election. They people who elected him have much work to do to move the country forward after 30 years of "civil war". I think we all have to choose whether we turn back and engage the current flavor of hate-monger, or we use our passion to make change that enables our children to grow up to a sane society. Also, the legal system should offer some remedy against hate speech. File suit and shut the FOS blog down if it's promoting violence. But when Roger/NAC devote half their energy to engaging ONE hate-blog, what is the larger purpose?

  15. When sunshine kills the germs, then I'm for opening the curtains.
