Thursday, March 18, 2010

City council: Punch lines galore, and not a straight man to be found.

There's a city council meeting tonight, and for those masochists among you, here's the agenda.

I've already informed the "Gang of Pour" that I shan't attend owing to a forgotten but important commitment: I've been asked to make a few comments about liquids (primarily alcoholic) for an IUS class called "Food & Society," as taught by the estimable G. Sam Sloss. Marty Rosen will be on hand, too, to provide a viewpoint from his position as restaurant critic. A tough decision, indeed, to elect to learn more about food and drink rather than listen to Steve Price butcher the syntax.

Rather predictably, Dan Coffey's blog has slipped into moribund mode, so we'll not bother with a link to it. When the wee ones commence to blathering, you'll know to go, look, and vomit profusely.

Randy Smith tweets: "Big issues Thursday in New Albany. I predict no vote at all on sewer rates. But how about $170K for a street sweeper?" Go to his New Albanist's blog for the whole story.

And, as previously posted: "Dear Pat," or, is being joined to Dan Coffey's other hip any way to go through life? Next week, maybe I can do another column called "Dear Jeff," in which I ask: Whatever happened to you?


  1. Doo Dah on the "Dear Jeff".

  2. Council’s Demos sing this song,
    Doo-da, Doo-da
    Council’s Demos mostly wrong
    Oh, de doo-da day

    Goin' to err all night
    Goin' to err all day
    I bet no money on Gahan’s nag
    And Pat's just gone astray

  3. I AM going to the council meeting tonight. Is there anyone who would lend me a banjo for one night? I can't play, but I'd take great care of it. Even a toy banjo would do.
