Sunday, March 21, 2010

Candidate Hankins to Indiana: Let's secede from the Union to preserve our right to inadequate health care.

This one's so good it needs to be run in its entirety.

Contemplating Hankins' conservative credentials, as reprised below, reminds me of the many phrases used by "Barney Miller's" Detective Harris to describe the trip to Bellevue hospital.

Candidate Hankins, the Courtesy Bus to the Hotel Silly will be here in just a moment. Wonder if Mike Sodrel's the driver?


Hankins Calls on Indiana and Gov. Daniels to Act

Columbus - Today... Travis Hankins has asked Governor Mitch Daniels and the Indiana state legislature to convene a special session to exclude Indiana from any and all pieces of the Federal legislation potentially passed in Washington concerning healthcare.

Hankins comments, "I am calling on Governor Daniels and the state legislature to do the right and legal thing and preserve our state’s tenth amendment rights. Regardless of whatever else the other states are doing, in Indiana we must have legislation outlawing a federal individual health insurance mandate. I am calling on the state to pass legislation making ObamaCare illegal in Indiana."

Hankins seeks specific and clear legislation passed that makes an individual mandate to purchase health insurance illegal.

Hankins also requests that Attorney General Greg Zoeller take legal action against any potential “health care reform” in order to have it overturned by the courts.

Travis Hankins, as an individual, is also in the process of beginning to prepare legal briefs to petition the courts to overturn any “health care reform” passed in Washington.

Travis Hankins is a real estate investor and conservative activist seeking the GOP nomination in Indiana’s ninth Congressional district.


  1. I wish this guy would have accepted our invite for a meet and greet, it would have been entertaining to say the least.

  2. Ask John C. Calhoun how that whole nullification thing worked out when Andy Jackson was president.

    I thought that fight was finished at Appomattox.

  3. Strom Thurmond may diasgree with you, Randy.

    My God.


  4. Yes, let's spend money on calling a special session of the legislature to make sure that 'them people' who don't have access to health insurance in Indiana remain incapable of getting it!

    F*ck the poor! (History of the World, Pt. 1 - my favorite movie line ever)

  5. Just what this world needs...another nutjob. The Healthcare reform debate has made me question the intelligence of many right-ringers.....

    I just keep hearing...."I am an angry, ignorant, self-righteous redneck and I am speaking to remove any doubt to the contrary"

  6. I found it interesting that at the Trib website, they have a poll about health care and 28% of the respondents have said that we should leave it the way it is - no reform of any kind.

  7. Looks like the Mitch administration is going to part of what Mr. Hankins has asked for...just read that AG Zoller is looking into a court challenge against the new health care legislation.
