Thursday, March 04, 2010

As expected: School corporation to suggest closing four schools.

It looks like Mitch Daniels is winning: Children's Academy, Galena, Pine View and Silver Street (Tribune breaking news).

It should be interesting to observe the spin on this one. In fact, ever since the leaks began, the silence has been fairly deafening.

If the recommendations are to be made this Monday, that's leaving very little wiggle room.


  1. Moving 5th graders to middle schools is a bad, bad idea.

  2. We need volunteer interviewees from all over the county - not just Silver Street's neighborhood! Various news sources are looking for people to talk to about their views and how these budget cuts will impact education as well as the community. Now is not the time to be camera shy! We need to get this info out to everybody! Please, please consider doing this. If you are willing, please email your name and phone number to ASAP and we will pass it on to those in the media when they ask. Everyone I've dealt with is SUPER nice and very easy to talk to. They're regular people, just like the rest of us.

    Thank you!

  3. Another reminder: This means that Ed Clere is winning, too.

    Rhetorical Tribune "reporting" tricks aside, he has supported the policies that helped lead to this. It's time for him to step up and explain why these cuts are good for the community rather than, as a commenter on his most recent column mentioned, trying to deflect attention from his involvement in them.

  4. Generally speaking, the school board answers to pretty much no one but the school board, so chances are these changes are coming. (sadly enough)

    Somehow I feel the $28 less I paid on my property taxes was worth this.
